Diffuser Blends & Recipes, Uncategorized

How To Clean Your Diffuser

Cleaning is a necessary step to ensure that oil residue doesn’t build up in your diffuser preventing it from working properly. Periodically, it is a good idea to run your diffuser through a cleaning cycle. If you use your unit every day, then running a cleaning cycle monthly is a good idea.

To do so, do the following:

  1. Fill your diffuser half way with clean water.
  2. Add 10 drops of white vinegar.
  3. Let the diffuser run for about 5 minutes to allow the water-vinegar mixture to disperse throughout the unit and clean it.
  4. Drain the diffuser completely.
  5. Using a cotton swab dipped in vinegar, clean the tight spots and corners of the diffuser.
  6. Rinse with clean water.
  7. Use a dry cloth to wipe the diffuser and dry it thoroughly.


Diffuser Blends & Recipes, DIY Recipes

How To Maintain Your Diffuser

Depending on what essential oils you diffuse, they purify the air you breathe and freshen the space with oils infused to meet your needs, which can range from calming and promoting sleep, to waking and grounding the mind by reducing feelings of stress and anxious feelings. A grounded mind can have a profound impact on your level of creativity and innovation.

Learning how to clean your diffuser is important to ensure its longevity. If left for too long, essential oils or any leftover water can corrode and ruin your unit, and can also negatively affect your aromatic experience when there’s an array of essential oil residue in the diffuser….. imagine trying to diffuse Basil after diffusing Spikenard first!

To keep your diffuser in perfect running condition for years to come, clean your diffuser after each use by wiping it out and letting it dry before using it again. For a quick clean, it is a good idea to diffuse Lemon oil for a short time. This makes it easier to clean out any residue or water lines before you wipe it out. For diffusers that do not use water, make sure to rinse out the nozzle with tap water and then wipe it clean.

We also recommend that you deep clean your diffusers once a month or as needed. Do so by following these steps based on the type of diffuser you have:

I personally use, doTerra’s diffusers, as I have found they do a really great job releasing the oils into rooms of all shapes and sizes!

Here are a few tips below:
How to Deep-Clean an Ultrasonic Diffuser (for Aroma Lite, Lotus, Lumo, or Petal diffusers)

  1. Turn off your diffuser.
  2. Fill the water reservoir halfway to the line with clean water.
  3. Add 10 drops of pure white vinegar to the water reservoir.
  4. Turn it on and let run for 3-5 minutes, allowing the vinegar to disperse throughout.
  5. Drain the water reservoir completely.
  6. Dip a cotton swab in white vinegar and wipe down the edges of the water reservoir as well as the ultrasonic mist chip.
  7. Rinse the water reservoir with clean water.
  8. Wipe the reservoir with a dry cloth and let air dry before using it again.


How to Deep-Clean a Nebulizing Diffuser (for the Aroma-Ace diffuser)

  1. Completely submerse the quick-change top in rubbing alcohol for 30–60 minutes.
  2. Wipe clean with a dry cloth.

Keeping a clean diffuser allows for the best possible experience in using your doTERRA essential oils aromatically.


DIY Recipes

Make Your Own Foaming Hand Soap

Making your own foaming hand soap is incredibly easy to make. You probably already have all the ingredients, too! You can use any empty foaming hand soap bottle you have laying around the house. Mix and match your favorite essential oils to create your own custom soap. The options are endless

2 tablespoons unscented liquid castile soap
1 tablespoon Fractionated Coconut Oil
10 drops favorite essential oil
  1. Pour castile soap and Fractionated Coconut Oil into bottle.
  2. Add essential oils.
  3. Slowly add water into bottle making sure to leave room for the foaming pump.
  4. Add lid, shake, and you are good to go!
  5. When ready to use, just pump one to two times into hands and wash with warm water.

Note: I used five drops of Peppermint Oil & five drops of Melaluca oil

Other Combination Suggestions:

  • Lavender & Bergamont
  • Wild Orange & Peppermint
  • Bergamont, Lemon & Wild Orange
  • Wild Orange, Patchouli, & Ginger
  • Fir, Cedarwood, & Wild Orange

Top Ten Essential Oils to Have in Your Home.



The calming essential oil. Apply a drop of lavender essential oil to the temples or diffuse aromatically to help ease tension and for a more peaceful sleep. A drop can also be used to soothe minor skin irritations as it helps skin recover quickly.


Peppermint has many uses, one of my favorites is as a natural energy-booster Peppermint also promotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing – just dilute a drop with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil and rub on your chest or simply diffuse it aromatically. I love pairing it with Wild Orange in my Diffuser for a mid-afternoon energy boost.

A drop of doTERRA essential oil can also be added to a glass of water to help alleviate occasional stomach upset too. I use doTerra because it has been certified as therapeutic grade oil, and is safe for consuming.


The King of the Oils!

Frankincense has many uses, including helping to build and maintain a healthy immune system. Just rub a drop on the back of your neck each morning. That simple routine can also help promote feelings of peace and relaxation.

In addition, frankincense is great for the skin! I use it in my moisturizer on a daily basis as it is often used to reduce the appearance of blemishes and rejuvenate the skin.


Breathe essential oil will help you do just that – breathe easier. This blend was designed to maintain clear airways and breathing and it does a great job of supporting overall respiratory health. It also helps minimize the effect of seasonal threats – I can’t do without it once everything starts blooming.

Just add some to your diffuser or dilute and rub a drop or two on the chest and back.


A lot of people know melaleuca as tea tree essential oil. It’s well-loved by many, and for good reason! Melaleuca is renowned for its cleansing, soothing and rejuvenating effects on the skin. (It’s in my face wash.)

Melalecua also helps purify and freshen the air and protect against environmental and seasonal threats. There’s a reason it’s a must-have for natural cleaning!


DigestZen aids in the digestion of foods, soothes occasional stomach upset and maintains a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Rub a drop on your stomach, add a drop to a glass of water, or, if you’re feeling brave, put a drop under your tongue for amazingly fast relief. I also have had success with inhaling the scent from the bottle to relieve nausea.


This blue essential oil is helpful for soothing sore muscles and achy joints. Use it pre- or post-workout for a comforting sensation of cooling and warmth to problem areas and to support healthy circulation to muscles and joints.


Oregano is a wonderful (and powerful) cleansing agent. When it comes to the body, oregano is one powerful oil. It has immune-enhancing benefits and is an excellent source of antioxidants. It even supports healthy digestion and respiratory function. Plus it makes a great addition to homemade soups and sauces.


doTERRA lemon essential oil smells just like a fresh lemon. I love adding a couple drops to my water for it’s wonderful flavor and its ability to naturally cleanse the body and aid digestion.

Lemon can be used in the diffuser to cleanse and purify the air and surfaces, promote a positive mood and support healthy respiratory function. It can even soothe an irritated throat. Lemon essential oil is great for so much!


This special doTERRA blend is excellent at supporting healthy immune function – rub a drop on the bottoms of your feet each day. You can also diffuse it aromatically to protect against environmental threats and purify the air.

You’ll love the energizing, uplifting aroma.

These essenital oils and blends are AMAZING on their own, and in combination with each other. My personal fav as an allergy sufferer is to combine Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint and make it into a roller and apply to the bottom of my feet, inside my wrists or diffuse as it has made a HUGE difference with my allergy symptoms.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, would like to know more about Essential Oils, or if you would like to get these 10 essential oils for your home.